It's always an honor to make films like these for our Alma Mater. They remind us of the special community that fostered our professional skills, many life long friendships, and instilled a Truth that can never be taken away. It's an invaluable experience that we carry with us day to day.
Cornerstone University is not just a collection of buildings where people come to take classes. It's a community and a home, not just for us, but for many others before and after us. These campus paths have led countless undergrad and graduate students not only to their dream careers, but also to form lives that are changing the world around them. Here's to you all who burned the midnight oil to get your projects done on time, to those who got exceptional grades while juggling many extra curricular activities, to those who inspired their friends and families with their hard work and dedication to complete a higher education degree.
We are proud to be counted among the wonderful graduates of this fine institution. Congratulations to the Graduating class of 2015!!!