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Happy Father's Day from ShadowShine Pictures!


Happy Father's Day from ShadowShine Pictures!

Dads come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Literally! Some are tech nerds, some our sports fanatics, some are basically clowns, and some are simply put our best friends. But no matter the type of dad we each have, biological or adopted, or discovered, our dads have been our hero's from day one. Whether it was tossing the ball around with us in the backyard, teaching us how to build our first working train set in the basement, comforting us after our first breakup, teaching us how to shave, helping act interested when we were picking out our dress for the first school dance, or simply being that shoulder to lean on whenever things got tough: our dads have been there, always.

We can all probably admit we don't call home enough, or show our best side to him as often as we should, but the dads in our lives never stop loving us. They continuously point us towards the path of truth, being a good person, and working with everything we have in us to make this world a better place - even if it's just one bad dad joke at a time. So this Father's day remember to celebrate the man in your life that gets to wear the title "dad" honorably.


Happy Mother's Day from ShadowShine!


Happy Mother's Day from ShadowShine!

If we are being honest our moms are basically superheros, so we thought we'd give an extra special gift this year in our latest team film, dedicated soley to these amazing women on Mother's Day!

They gave us life, they raised us, they struck fear in us when necessary, and overflowing joy more often than not. They've always been there as a warm embrace ready to make all our problems go away, and they are always just a phone call away when we've had a less than amazing day. Our mothers may all look different both internally and externally, but they all have one thing in common: they love us unconditionally. 

We each, every single person around this world, are better because of the mothers in our lives. Whether by birth or nurture they are the women who have shaped us into who we are today and continue to teach us what it is to be compassionate, driven, and a good person all ways round. We'll never be able to fully thank them for all that they have done for us, all that they have poured into our lives, or all of the many phone calls we should have made but that they forgive us for nonetheless.

This weekend make sure to join us in wishing each of our moms the very happiest of Mother's Days!


Cornerstone University: 2017 Commencement Commercial Video Series


Cornerstone University: 2017 Commencement Commercial Video Series

Every year, we get excited for one of our largest corporate cinematography pieces, the Cornerstone University Commencement Series where we have the privilege of showcasing a few of these unique and weaving colorful stories that make up CU's students. People of varying ages and walks of life, seemingly so different, but united under a hunger for knowledge and a search for a deeper understanding of our Creator. It is a converging of many distinct stories. Different walks of life and experiences meeting and cooperating to reach a goal together that is both individual and collective: Commencement. This is a time of celebration and reflection, but it also serves as a checkpoint, a chapter change in a larger narrative of lives.

These are just a small sampling of the students and lives that have been changed by the community and experience here and we are so excited to see where each of these nine students' journeys take them in their continuing adventure. 

From everyone here at ShadowShine Pictures, congratulations and best of luck to the 2017 Cornerstone University graduates!


Peep-TSD (Easter Bunny Challenge)

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Peep-TSD (Easter Bunny Challenge)

Spring is just around the corner, which means it’s almost time for warm nights and campfires! Well, we decided to get a jump start on a campfire game with our Easter-themed version of “chubby bunny” using marshmallow Peeps! The competition is fierce, and choosing a winner comes down to splitting “hares” with how close it gets!

Sure, we get a little choked up, but we thought it would be a colorful way to say “hoppy” Easter! And trust us…it gets awfully colorful with all this sugar. But in all seriousness, we at ShadowShine Pictures hope you have the sweetest holiday this Resurrection Sunday!

Happy Easter friends!

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Out of Luck: A St. Patrick's Day Story


Out of Luck: A St. Patrick's Day Story

St. Patrick's Day is here! It's time to wear green (don't pinch too hard those who forgot!), enjoy a beverage or five, and pretend to know the history of the holiday. Even if you're not Irish, you can partake in the festivities - but be careful: luck can be a fickle thing. 

Here at ShadowShine, we were planning to give you a pot of gold worth of photographs, you can see from the video...our rainbow wasn't so lucky. Watch our new St. Patrick's Day video and good luck out there today!


Shadow|Shine Singles


Shadow|Shine Singles

Love is in the air. Sure, the naysayers will tell you how Valentine's Day is a made-up holiday to sell greeting cards and make people feel bad, but here at ShadowShine Pictures, we're feeling the love.

Check out our singles video where you'll meet a variety of individuals looking for that special someone! We've got a hopeless romantic ready to make your dreams come true! We've got a rough-around-the-edges fella hunting for the perfect lady to mend is broken heart. We've got an elf prince looking to be your fantasy! Or maybe an experienced lady looking for a good time that doesn't come in a bottle? We've got a respectful man who wants to see your smile, and a lady who is ready to commit! And there's Alan too.

Ready for some romance? Give ShadowShine Singles a try. Who knows? True love could be just a phone call press play. Happy Valentine's Day!


Bye Felicia... I mean, 2016


Bye Felicia... I mean, 2016

2016 has in the most literal sense been one heck of a year. Both with high points and moments of moruning and sorrow. For our team we celebrated 5 years of storytelling and had the opportunity to help tell so many stories of some wonderful and amazing people around our world. While some days were more difficult than others (as that's just life some times) we each enjoyed the many lessons we learned along the way these past twelve months. But if we are being honest, nothing can quite sum up how excited we are for all the promise and hope held within 2017! Here are just a few of the things that our team is looking forward to this coming year...


In 2017, I am looking forward to new creative endeavors... to growth, discovery, and wonder. I look forward to connecting with old friends and making new ones. To learning more about myself and the world around me. And not least of all, trying new local pizzas!



The fresh start of a new year is what I am most excited for in 2017. Most people fear the unknown, but I am excited for the opportunity that it brings. The opportunity for growth and change. We can't go backwards, but here's to going forward and all the stories that lie before us!



While I'm without a doubt looking forward to the bigger things 2017 has lined up, like traveling to new places, finishing up projects that I'm eager to show to the world, and creating new ones that are just ideas as of right now. I find myself almost being more excited for the quiet moments- walks through the forest, movie nights, grabbing a cup of coffee, and doing so with the people that have grown very near and dear to my heart.



The things I'm looking forward to the most in 2017 are watching films I've never seen, hearing songs I've never heard, reading books I've never read, and creating more stories about love and hope, all with friends or in solitude. Newness, that's what I'm looking forward to the most. Oh, and the new Chik-fil-A locations within short driving distance.



This past year has been quite the adventure, both in good ways and not so amazing ways also. But through it all I am thankful for the blessings that I was able to receive and the lessons that I learned. More than anything I  am looking forward to the many ways that my passions, my art, and my faith will be stretched in 2017. Growth isn't always easy, but it is necessary. While I am uncertain all of what this year will bring with it, I pray that 2017 would continue to teach me ever more what it is to care for my neighbor both here and abroad.



In 2017, I’m most looking forward to exploring new places, meeting new people, learning about other’s passions, deepening the relationships I’ve already been so blessed with, and taking time to ponder more. I’m also equally excited and terrified to be graduating and figuring out how to be a real person too I suppose. Onward and upward!



2017 is going to be great, because my eyes will see new places, my heart will bond with new people, my ears will hear new music, my hands will experience new art and new stories and new connections, as well as hold my very first college degree, which means that I will be in the beginning of a new stage of my life. 2017 is going to be great, because it's a fresh opportunity for all things new!


