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Kenzie + Heather: Red River Gorge Wedding Day Film


Kenzie + Heather: Red River Gorge Wedding Day Film

If you are looking to have your spirits lifted, to make you reach for that box of tissues, or simply to remember that love and joy still exist, then you’ve come to the right place.

We could write you a book about how beautiful, heartfelt, and touching this day was. The truth though is that this is Kenzie + Heather’s story and they tell it best. Their vows fill us with so much light and hope every time we hear them and are the perfect reflection of how deeply these two complete each other.

Love is far too simple a word to describe the depth of how much they care for one another. It honestly is rare to find such devotion and commitment in this world these days, but if anything can give us hope for a better tomorrow right now, it is without question K+H.

Forever thankful for their example and the elopement adventure that they invited us to share in. All our love, now and always, to the Promers!


Contributing Vendors

Photography & Cinematography: Shadow Shine Pictures

Wedding Dresses: Madison James and Allure Romance

Floral Design: Blessings Floral Design

Wedding Bands: Herzog Jewelers

Officiant: Matthew Miller

Venue:  Sunset Gorge Lodge and Red River Gorge


Allie + Zach: Los Angeles Engagement


Allie + Zach: Los Angeles Engagement

Allie and Zach grew up just minutes apart from one another. They at least on one or two occasions went to the same music festival in Northern Indiana as kids, and as fate would have it, they’d both end up moving clear across the country to the same city without ever knowing who they’d meet there. If that isn’t the start of one of the most romantic love stories, we don’t know what is!

We met Allie way back in our college days, and she was even a part of one of the very first Shadow Shine films believe it or not! Since then we’ve been blessed to continue to get to know Allie as a friend and fellow Cornerstone alumni and have loved watching her career take off. If you know Allie you know she is without question one of the most caring, attune, and selfless people God has ever blessed this earth with. When she moved out to Los Angeles I don’t think any of us realized she’d be meeting the man created perfectly to match her heart, but sure enough, she met Zach. He could not be anymore her equal in heart, character, or spirit. Adventuring around LA with them, seeing how they both make each other smile and light up, was one of the best days ever.

Allie and Zach are some of the best this life has to offer, and we could not be more thankful that they not only found one another in a city nearly 19 times the size of Grand Rapids, but that together the make this world a better, brighter place. Celebrating with these two later this summer cannot come soon enough!

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Rachel + David: Hilton Head Wedding

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Rachel + David: Hilton Head Wedding

When the opportunity to take a road trip down south to spend the day with two of the funniest, goofiest, and sweetest people you know comes calling, you grab your camera and your bag and you hit the road - even if that means you might be driving into a hurricane.

We’ve known Rachel for nearly ten years now, so when we first heard about this boy “David” that she had met at church we knew something was up! When we finally met this man that we had heard all about we were so excited because it took no time at all while driving around Charleston one fall afternoon with the two of them to see how incredibly happy he made Rachel; the way she just trusted him completely, loved him deeply, and laughed at all his funny faces and dad jokes.

As one might have expected, their day was the perfect reflection of who these two people are as a one: intentional, sweet, and joyous. We are so happy for Rachel and David, and all of their friends and family. The Lord has some big plans for these two, that we are sure of, and we cannot wait to see all of the adventures they are about to embark on together. Here’s to Mr + Mrs Eudy, may you two never lose that infectious, lovable, silliness that we all could use more of in our lives!

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Courtney + Chris: Frankfort Engagement


Courtney + Chris: Frankfort Engagement

Lake Michigan, a late summer sunset, and Courtney+Chris: just a few of our favorite things!

Back in August we hopped into the car on a Saturday afternoon for a road trip up north to meet two people who we would later fall head over heels in love with. And yes, you guessed it. Those two beautiful people would be Courtney and Chris! While adventuring around Frankfurt, it didn't take long to realize that we had hit it big with this fun, adorable, and kind couple that we instantly became friends with.

Having to wait until next summer to see thee two again is a bummer, but we are so excited for them and beyond honored to be sharing in their wedding day!

Sending the soon to be Mr+Mrs Bowen all the love and summery beach vibes today on this bright and sunny fall day!


Paige + Noah: Lake Michigan Engagement


Paige + Noah: Lake Michigan Engagement

I met Paige a few years back just before her and I set off with a group to Zambia, Africa on a relief and documentary trip. Luckily for us a nice long layer over in London, England and what seemed like an unfathomable amount of time on the various plane rides provided us with plenty of time to get to know each other. Instantly I knew that this was a bright, generously kind, and outright hilariously funny girl that would one day meet a man just as equally wonderful to match.

Enter Noah. It wasn't long after we got back to the states that I started hearing Paige talk about him and there wasn't a question in my mind that she was smitten with him. Over the next year or so after that, through some trying and growing adventures shared between the two of them, Noah and Paige started dating and honestly I could not have pegged a better match for her. Noah's carefree lightheartedness was only surpassed by his compassionate demeanor and it was evident in every look and every smile he had around her that his heart was Paige's and her's alone.

Getting to watch these two grow together as a collective unit, ready to set out and change the world, has been incredible and altogether a blessing for all of their friends and family. These photos just begin to scratch the surface of how much fun, love, and joy is shared between these two for the other, and that is the honest to God-truth.



World Water Day 2017: WasteWater


World Water Day 2017: WasteWater

Today is World Water Day, a day focused on bringing attention and awareness to the global water crisis. Despite the many advances in technology, a rapidly expanding global economy, and various social justice initiatives in just the last decade alone, there are still 1.8 billion of the world's population who use a source of drinking water contaminated with waste, putting men, women, and countless children at risk of contracting deadly diseases like cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and even polio.

Since 1993 World Water Day (formally World Day of Water) has chosen a theme centered around this crisis to help educate the global community on how we might together work to end the injustice of unclean water which is a key contributor to extreme poverty. This year's theme is WasteWater, a growing and systemic issue which is threatening the environment and putting future generations at even great risk than they currently already are at. Wastewater comes largely from our homes, the cities we live in, and from both industry and agricultural development which then flows back into the natural world without being cleaned, treated, or reused first.

According to the UN Water council, by reducing the amount of our wastewater, and then also reusing it in our homes, gardens, city green spaces, and so on we as a planet can create even more sustainable water habits and bring this crisis one step closer to being a begone era.

In response to the crisis of unsafe drinking water there are many organizations and non profits who are working diligently and tirelessly to bring access to this safe water to everyone around globe by 2030. Just a few of these organizations include:

With our support, from people like you and me, we can make that goal a reality and not just a benchmark. Together through partners such as these we can bring an end to the water crisis in our life time and provide safe and clean drinking water for billions of children the world over.


Bye Felicia... I mean, 2016


Bye Felicia... I mean, 2016

2016 has in the most literal sense been one heck of a year. Both with high points and moments of moruning and sorrow. For our team we celebrated 5 years of storytelling and had the opportunity to help tell so many stories of some wonderful and amazing people around our world. While some days were more difficult than others (as that's just life some times) we each enjoyed the many lessons we learned along the way these past twelve months. But if we are being honest, nothing can quite sum up how excited we are for all the promise and hope held within 2017! Here are just a few of the things that our team is looking forward to this coming year...


In 2017, I am looking forward to new creative endeavors... to growth, discovery, and wonder. I look forward to connecting with old friends and making new ones. To learning more about myself and the world around me. And not least of all, trying new local pizzas!



The fresh start of a new year is what I am most excited for in 2017. Most people fear the unknown, but I am excited for the opportunity that it brings. The opportunity for growth and change. We can't go backwards, but here's to going forward and all the stories that lie before us!



While I'm without a doubt looking forward to the bigger things 2017 has lined up, like traveling to new places, finishing up projects that I'm eager to show to the world, and creating new ones that are just ideas as of right now. I find myself almost being more excited for the quiet moments- walks through the forest, movie nights, grabbing a cup of coffee, and doing so with the people that have grown very near and dear to my heart.



The things I'm looking forward to the most in 2017 are watching films I've never seen, hearing songs I've never heard, reading books I've never read, and creating more stories about love and hope, all with friends or in solitude. Newness, that's what I'm looking forward to the most. Oh, and the new Chik-fil-A locations within short driving distance.



This past year has been quite the adventure, both in good ways and not so amazing ways also. But through it all I am thankful for the blessings that I was able to receive and the lessons that I learned. More than anything I  am looking forward to the many ways that my passions, my art, and my faith will be stretched in 2017. Growth isn't always easy, but it is necessary. While I am uncertain all of what this year will bring with it, I pray that 2017 would continue to teach me ever more what it is to care for my neighbor both here and abroad.



In 2017, I’m most looking forward to exploring new places, meeting new people, learning about other’s passions, deepening the relationships I’ve already been so blessed with, and taking time to ponder more. I’m also equally excited and terrified to be graduating and figuring out how to be a real person too I suppose. Onward and upward!



2017 is going to be great, because my eyes will see new places, my heart will bond with new people, my ears will hear new music, my hands will experience new art and new stories and new connections, as well as hold my very first college degree, which means that I will be in the beginning of a new stage of my life. 2017 is going to be great, because it's a fresh opportunity for all things new!


