When the opportunity to take a road trip down south to spend the day with two of the funniest, goofiest, and sweetest people you know comes calling, you grab your camera and your bag and you hit the road - even if that means you might be driving into a hurricane.
We’ve known Rachel for nearly ten years now, so when we first heard about this boy “David” that she had met at church we knew something was up! When we finally met this man that we had heard all about we were so excited because it took no time at all while driving around Charleston one fall afternoon with the two of them to see how incredibly happy he made Rachel; the way she just trusted him completely, loved him deeply, and laughed at all his funny faces and dad jokes.
As one might have expected, their day was the perfect reflection of who these two people are as a one: intentional, sweet, and joyous. We are so happy for Rachel and David, and all of their friends and family. The Lord has some big plans for these two, that we are sure of, and we cannot wait to see all of the adventures they are about to embark on together. Here’s to Mr + Mrs Eudy, may you two never lose that infectious, lovable, silliness that we all could use more of in our lives!

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