The best part of being a storyteller isn’t the adventures you get to go on. It isn’t the “art” or the final piece you produce. It isn’t even the ability to tell stories. The best, most fulfilling aspect of being a storyteller is the relationships you create with the people you meet as you go through this life. The types of relationships that go deeper than just a one-day event, the kind where you thank God for bringing them into your life, the kind where you can’t wait to see them again. We didn’t know Courtney and Chris prior them reaching out to us about their wedding, but we can say with every fiber of our beings that these are two humans whom we are so thankful to now have in our lives.
They are so kind, so loving, and so beautiful inside and out that everything they do just radiates this wonderful life that fills you right up. We prayed for the absolute perfect day for them because honestly, they deserve nothing less. Looking back I’d say they got just that. Being surrounded by their amazing friends and family, overlooking Lake Michigan as they exchanged their vows, promising themselves to one another for now and always, it brought us to tears.
These are just a few moments from a day we wish we could go back and relive over and over with them, and we are so blessed to have been able to share in such a perfect day with these two dear friends of ours. We cannot wait to see them again, but for now, we’ll just get lost in looking back through these memories from the most perfect wedding of the most perfect people. Here’s to the gorgeous Mr + Mrs Bowen!

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