Since early spring we've been working closely with the staff of Camp Roger- a local West Michigan family and summer camping ground- helping them design a video to spread the word about a new a really exciting project that they are currently under way on. That project itself, in a nutshell, is a capital campaign that the Camp announced back in July of this year at their 100th anniversary celebration. Having spent a lot of time getting to meet their wonderful staff, getting to learn their history, and seeing where they feel led to go next, we absolutely were all about helping them tell their story!

So what is this campaign all about and why are we so excited to have been a part of helping tell this chapter of their story? Well it's simple- Camp Roger is all about serving others. Their team cares for an unbelievable beautiful campground that they open up to families and thousands of children and young adults every year through summer camp sessions and outdoor activities. And to continue to do so, this particular campaign is aimed at providing new campground facilities to better cater to their campers, as well as to raise financial aid funds to allow lower income families to send their children to camp as well- because their believe is simple, "all children deserve a chance to experience camp".

Over the summer we spent a couple of days at Camp Roger filming interviews with camp staff members, campers, and capturing the beautify and imagery of the campgrounds themselves. Over the next few months we finished up designing their official video for the campaign and we are so excited to see how this part of their story unfolds! No doubt they have many new adventures on the horizon and we hope and wish all of the best for their team, staff, campers, and campground as a whole!
