There are few things that get me more excited than spending a day with dear friends, and when those friends ask you to spend their wedding day following them around taking photos of them, obviously I'm in, no question about it! I've had the privilege of knowing Paige and calling her a friend for a few years now, and we've even traveled the world together a bit. I remember hearing about Noah when he first caught Paige's eye and there was something about the way she talked about him that you just knew he was the love of her life. Needless to say it's been an honor and privilege watching these two grow together and lift one another up in the highs and lows of life and I cannot say enough how thankful I am for their example of love and devotion.
In complete honesty this day was a dream in every since of the word - it wasn't work, it was a celebration; it wasn't an event, it was this beautiful unfolding moment of joy; it was everything you ask for in a wedding, especially for your friends' wedding. Getting to watch these two love on each other, make the other laugh, have quiet moments of rest, and then also ecstatic "oh my gosh we just did that!" moments; it was amazing through and through.
I think all our team ever truly wants for any of our couples, above everything else, is just for them to have the absolute perfect day. Now, yes, 'perfect' looks like a lot of different things, but it's more than the perfect weather, the perfect location, the perfect backdrop. Those are all great and important, but the perfect wedding day is something that transcends all of those aspects, in fact it's simpler than those; the perfect wedding day is solely a day focused on your love. This day right here embodied this hope, desire, and idea beautifully and holistically, and I could not be more overcome with thankfulness that Paige + Noah had this perfect day together.
These two have an amazing and bright future ahead for them, and while I may or may not be ugly crying over here because I don't know when I'm going to see them again next I know that these two wonderful souls are setting out in the direction the Lord is leading them, working to love those around them unconditionally, and to bring glory back to their Creator in eveyrthing that they say or do.

Here's to the beautiful and gorgeous Mr+Mrs Lehmann, two of the most kind, silly, most intentional people you will ever meet - and two people I am never going to stop loving!